Friday, August 2, 2013

the internet knows my heart.

last week i spent an undisclosed amount of time
googling images under the search,
"space cats."
the results were nothing short
of magic.

i have complied a list of my favorites
and gave each of them a name.
they're basically my children.

death stare to the humanz.
 meowies in space. 
 philosophical kitty dust. 
the great trip of john meownnon.
if you're ever lonely or sad,
just google "space cats."
it's like a giant hug from the internet. 


coastoe4 said...

This. This is amazing. I feel like if this existed 50 years ago World War II could have been avoided.

JW | PEONY said...

meowies in space is my favorite. they mean business.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE tell me you've seen laser cats. it's beyond life changing:

Shaylynn... a girl, a story, a blog said...

I spend my time googling "pictures to draw.." clearly I just need to borrow your brain, you find much cooler photos.