black blazer and zipper shoes.
ice cream run.
spring cleaning.
baby hugs.
chicken dumpling soup.
getting ready for the day at 4:37.
grocery shopping.
crepe party.
hand and foot.
team meowsome dominates.
frosted mugs.
parks and rec.
stake conference.
crack pipe chicken.*
little mermaid lounge singing.
the oscars.
"mint green dress."
fancy dinner party.
bp reunion.
*crack pipe...crock pot...same difference.
whoa. they changed the look of this comment window. first time seeing it. unreeeeeal.
as much as i love these posts, i just don't always know what to saaaaay, briiiiiisssssaaaaaa. ohmygooooosh.
but i want to say something. ohmygooooosh.
jeremy evans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This sounds like the best weekend ever!
Greek food and everything else, a weekend is always awesome when Greek food is involved!
I did a lot of grocery shopping this weekend... I found a little place called Grocery Outlet (aka heaven). Everything is super cheap, you just have to watch some of the expiration dates. Expired turkey = no bueno
Crepe party!?!?!
dumb. and i hope you hear me say that everytime you write these.
Girl. My weekend was way to traumatic to recall. I drove a buick all weekend.
Can you hear me crying?
Oscars schmoscars. Blah.
Wanderlust? Any good?
So behind on your blog, I kinda suck. but just kinda.
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