Tuesday, October 19, 2010

it's the great [stache]kin charlie brown!!

last night for fhe our group decided to carve pumpkins.
at first i was not excited.
as much as i love the smell of pumpkins,
i wasn't feeling the whole "blood and guts" part of it all.
but then i realized this would be the perfect opportunity
to let my creative juices flow.

the following is a list of my ideas that got rejected:
will smith's face.
a horcrux.
a unicorn.
a unicorn with flame coming out of it's mouth.
{to be "scary" for halloween}
the dark mark.
a patronus.

it wasn't until i said 
"let's make a moustache!"
that the people were pleased.
so we set out to making the best [stache]kin ever.
i drew the staches and carved out the fu manchu.
we also decided the "stache tastic!" would make it look less nakey 
so we threw that in too.
i've never been more eager to display a vegetable in front of my door.
it was the proudest day of my life. 
dear [stache]kin:
please don't die. 
or rot.
or get moldy.
i wanna freeze you and keep you for ever and ever. 
love always:
your momma

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