Thursday, September 24, 2009

honest abe.

Okay here's the deal.
I haven't actually "gotten ready" for class in about three days now.  I am alway running late so I only have time to put on clothes, run a brush through my hair and (depending on the day) leave it down or throw on a headband and pull it back into a high ponytail or low bun.  Today was one of those days. 
It's on days like today that I always run into someone I know who  exclaims, "Oh my gosh!  You look so cute!"  And here's what I want to know.  Are they blind?!  I look awful.  I'm not wearing make up, I've paired wife beaters with a cardigan, my gold&bronze headbands are keeping my high messy bun in place and my moccassins were the first shoes I saw.  How on earth is that cute?   I also wonder if this person {usually a girl} is lying to me because she feels socially obligated to comment on how I look because she hasn't seen me in "ages." 
Just be honest!  I hate it when people give fake compliments because that's what they think people want to hear.  When complimenting someone you should be genuine about it.  That way I know I can trust you when you compliment me for real and I won't think you're just lying to say something I want to hear.
Honesty has always been the best policy. 
And if you're looking for the truth, you'd better be prepared for it.

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