While growing up I had a tendency to ask my parents for their permission to do something and usually they would give me a straight answer. Either 'yes' or 'no'. But as I got older they stopped doing that (they probably thought my indecisiveness would turn into a chronic illness, causing me to never be able to make a decision on my own therefore forcing me into the "grown-up version" of throwing me into the pool and telling me if I didn't want to sink and die I'd have to learn to swim) and my dad would simply reply "Choices....Consequences...." To me that is almost worse than a direct "no". Its like, "Okay dad, I know you don't want me to, but you basically said I could and all I have to do is live with the consequences."
Easy Peezy Lemon Squeezy.
Oooor not...
Last night I went to the CLAS ropes course with some of my friends. So much fun. We went on the giant swing, did the leap of faith (climbing up a tree, jumping off a platform to a ring about 5-6 feet up and away from you) and we climbed up another tree, got to the top, had to walk across a "beam" and jump off. Like I said, so much fun!
We got there around 6:30 and started rope coursin it up. Since winter is coming the sun is going to bed sooner than before, by the time we got to the final tree climb/jump off it was getting dark. Unfortunately baby demons also come out at night, especially when you're by a river like we were. The demons I speak of are mosquitoes.
i hate mosquitoes.
Some are able to eat, drink, and be merry until I smack them while others (evil little buggers) follow the same system and get away freely. Dang gina. This morning while I was getting ready for work I couldn't help but survey the results from last nights battle. I think they won. This is where I can see/feel the battle wounds: one on the knuckle of my right pointer finger, two on my face (one on the forehead, the other on my skinny top part of my nose), one to the left of my collarbone, two above my right elbow, three above my left elbow (were it not for the one that was out of line they would have resembled Orion's belt), and (I'm wearing tights so I can't be certain, but) I believe I have at least two on each leg in the calf area and it feels like there's one by my knee. Ooh..wait!! I keep finding more, but I don't want to list them. Just trust me on this one. If I scratch them they will get big and nasty. And the world will totally win. So I can't scratch them for two reasons. Reason # 1. School starts on Monday. I do not want to look like the big guy from 'The Goonies' if I scratch all my demon bites and have them all swell up. Not a great first impression. Reason # 2. Scratching means the world wins. And I don't wanna lose.
I realize this is not a prime example of the "Choices/Consequences" method because the decision I made was a good one. But, then again, there are consequences (good or bad) with every choice you make.
I made a choice: have fun, climb some trees, party before school started, etc., etc.
The world slapped me with a consequence: The Great Mosquito Battle of Oh-Nine
World - 1
Brissa - 0 (But don't you worry, I'll make a comeback)
Choices and consequences affect all aspects of our lives. You make it sound as if consequences are all negative, WRONGO-KIDDO! Consequences are good. You have "demon bites" to remind you of the great decision you made last night to be with good friends, doing good things. That is wonderful. That is a great consequence. A small price to pay (the itchiness) for a time well spent. Hooray for Demon Bites! It means we are alive, kicking and able to do things that most people can't. Enjoy your consequences as you do your choices. LY 5B
It's still Easy Peasy CHICKEN Squeeay
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