Thursday, January 30, 2014

g u i l t y

my name is brissa 
and i am an occasional co-sleeper.
and by occasional,
i mean every single morning.
life is easier when we both get sleep.
and if the only way we can get decent rest
is by bringing jude in bed after her 4 am feeding
then so be it.

haters to the left. 


Kerri Andersen said...

no shame! i don't co-sleep but i did occasionally when my baby was that little. and actually, research has shown that the baby and the mom sleep better when co-sleeping. so! don't let haters get to you! cuddle that baby while you can!! :)

Krista said...

Dude, anyone who says they have never brought their baby to bed with them in a moment of exhaustion is LYING!!! I did it every morning with Carter as well. It was my favorite time of day.

Krista said...

Dude, anyone who says they have never brought their baby to bed with them in a moment of exhaustion is LYING!!! I did it every morning with Carter as well. It was my favorite time of day.

Holly said...

There are so many closet. co sleepers. There just has to be. We totally co-slept all the time when Capri was little. Still do half the night. When breastfeeding who wants to get out of bed when they could lay down, semi sleep, and feed baby all at once. It's a win-win.

JW | PEONY said...

to the left. to the left.

i applaud this.

Christina @ The Murrayed Life said...

I would have loved to but couldn't sleep as well. Enjoy those baby snuggles!

katrina said...

we were co sleepers for over six months. it's the best.