Monday, August 26, 2013

wiinkd: "is there such thing as a professional balderdash player?"

summer winds.
baby kicks. 
closing time.
thirty minutes signed and done.

lazy saturday.
little matie hugs and giggles.
best buy.
paints = chosen.
homemade blackberry syrup.
breaking bad heart attacks.

third day hair.
last sunday.
unavoidable tears.
ice cream sandwiches.
property brothers.
family dinner/party.
carne asada.
cory = balderdash king.
american ninja warrior.
"happy beforeday, sweetheart."


Catherine said...

1. BLACKBERRY SYRUP? AMAZE!!! I need some of that magic!

2. Glad we love Property Brothers.

3. We came up with our own version of American Ninja Warrior in my family. It's when we sit on our front lawn on Sunday nights...throw as many golf balls (the soft, plastic ones) as we can at the person standing up and see how many they can catch. Then they have to do push ups. 12x whatever amount of golf balls they caught. Not sure how we came up with this, not sure why we think it's equivalent with American Ninja Warrior, and not sure why it's entertaining. Okay. Now I'll stop because this all sounds too ridiculous.

And...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with great memories and moments. You deserve all the world has to offer and more.

Anna said...

I'm learning through your posts that you and Cory are some of the funniest people I know.

How did you like Butter? I liked the concept and everything but that c-word made me wanna cry a little bit.

katrina said...

did you buy a house?!?