Wednesday, November 24, 2010

woah! stop the train.

tonight my daddy planned on taking his loooovely daughters
to a movie .
we were going to see unstoppable.  
he was excited to see denzel
who he repeatedly called "bootylicious."
i was excited to see chris pine
i mean hellloooo.
turns out the theatre was having "projection problems"
so we had to ditch it and leave a curse on the theatre.
khyrie suggested burlesque
and it was quickly shot down.

brissa: i would rather not see the world's biggest slute {pronounced sloot}.
papa: you mean cher?
brissa: no, christina.
ashley: wait, don't you mean cher {pronounced chair}?
papa: no ashley, it's "sh-air".
ashley: but look how it's spelled! ch is hard!
brissa: yeah but it's french
khyrie: ashley, how do you say c-h-e-e-s-e? it's "sh-ehz" not "cheese."
ashley:  but that doesn't make sense. 
brissa:  that's because it's french.
ashley:  those french are weird.
brissa:  how long did it take you to figure that out? 

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