Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Sleep: A Long Lost Love

It's 5:05 AM on 11.11.2009 and I'm grateful.
Here is what I am grateful for {in no particular order}
  1. The Gospel/Jesus Christ/Heavenly Father
  2. My family
    1. James - making me laugh when I want to cry because of his strange gee.gee obsession
    2. Ashley - for her sick "man" voice and making me laugh
    3. Khyrie - for email "yelling" at me for not sending her updated MLIA's, talking to me, and convincing me to come home for the summer
    4. Grandma - for never giving up {even when I have}
    5. Mami - for always making sure I am okay, for calling me multiple times a day, for being strong, for listening, for being there
    6. Papa - for making me laugh, for making fun of how much laundry I have every time I go home, for believing in me, for listening and giving advice
  3. My testimony
  4. The scriptures
  5. The Atonement - the fact that Christ has suffered every single shade of pain I have experienced
  6. Incredible friends who listen and share
  7. Music {today was a Damien Rice, Coldplay day}
  8. My guitar and voice box {I played today.  It felt right}
  9. The BP!!  
  10. Camo & Scott being home
  11. Technology 
  12. Burts Bees!!
  13. Water
  14. The gym
  15. My job
  16. The opportunity I have to attend BYU and learn
  17. My phone {so I can talk to those I love}
  18. All-nighters
  19. Court, Sid, Aimee, Jen, Karen, Jess, Andrea {for always listening and for sharing.  Redundant...I think yes}
  20. Nightly visits from Gordy
  21. Random visits from Craven
  22. Hilarious voicemails from Alex
  23. Freshman friends
  24. Letters
  25. Actual letters that, when strung together, make words
  26. The written word
  27. My ability to write
  28. My ability to read
  29. Books
  30. Contacts
  31. Every person that has impacted my life
  32. Trials
  33. Experiences
  34. Ecclesiastes 3
  35. My apartment
  36. Clean clothes
  37. My bishopric
  38. The Riveria
  39. Centerville
  40. Ginger
  41. Alarms
  43. This blog
  44. The fact that I'm weird
  45. Weezer
  46. "Spaceman" by The Killers
  47. Nature
  48. Pictures
  49. My heart
  50. The ability to feel
  51. The ability to express those feelings through word and/or song
  52. The Festival of Colors
  53. Acting
  54. Poetry
  55. Glee
  56. Campus so close to my apartment complex
  57. Good friends
  58. The Spanish Language
  59. ASL
  60. Eric Johansen {for teaching me to love Drama}
  61. AdVance LA {for believing in me enough to sign me}
  62. New Play Project {for always taking me back}
  63. "Fix You" by Coldplay
  64. "The Scientist" by Coldplay
  65. "Yellow"  by Coldplay
  66. "Cannonball" by Damien Rice
  67. "Delicate" by Damien Rice
  68. The Black Eyed Peas for their funky beats
  69. Covers
  70. gmail
  71. Photography
  72. Arrested Development
  73. Flight of the Conchords
  74. The Office
  75. Hot Rod
  76. Nacho Libre
  77. Film 102 with Tom Russell
  78. Parker, Jake, Brandon, Jeff, & Lauren and that night we "broke the rules" and watched movies until 5 AM = best night of Freshman year
  79. Moe and ANTM
  80. Melia and G.G. {both the show and real life}
  81. SCUBA
  82. Mexico 2009
  83. El Rojo
  84. Homeland Security for letting me back into America
  85. Mrs. Bean
  86. Thanksgiving break
  87. The thought of going home for Spring/Summer
  88. Rollercoasters
  89. Overcoming fears
  90. Lists
  91. Hammocks
  92. Brown skin
  93. Ballet flats

Okay..I'm done with my list now.  But I'm trying to find daily things I am grateful for.  I like it.

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