Monday, September 14, 2009

September Thirteen.

{Sorry this is a day late....Remember how I suck at blogging?....}

You are my best friend.  I know I can always turn to you for help and you will never judge me.  You have shown me nothing but love my entire love.  Pure, unconditional love.  Thank you.  Thank you for believing in me and teaching me to be strong.  You are such an incredible example of strength and faith for me.  You help me to keep my goals in mind.  You help me realize I can accomplish anything.  Thank you for trusting me.  Thank you for letting go.  I know it's hard for you to do.  But thank you...thank you for letting me spread my wings and fly.  You are my strength and my hero.  Happy Birthday Mami.  Te amo con todo mi corazon, mi alma, y mi vida.   

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