Sunday, September 20, 2009


I love having true friends.  Ones that go deeper than superficial compliments and class schedules.  I'm talking about the friends that know when your soul is crying, when you need a hug, and when you need to be alone.  I'm referring to the people who impact your life forever, for the better.  Half of the conversations held aren't spoken with words.  True friends know you.  They can look in your eyes and see through to your soul.  You can go months without seeing them and it's like nothing has changed once you're reunited.  True friends never leave you.  I've been blessed with a family that consists of my best friends.  I've been blessed with certain people in my life who have become true friends. 
I believe that everything happens for a reason and every person has been placed in our life for a reason.  There is always something we can learn from them and vice-versa.  I know I wouldn't have been able to go through certain experiences without these people.  I wouldn't be the person I am today. 
You all know who you are.
I owe you so much.
Te Amo.

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