Sunday, October 17, 2010

wolf pack weekend.

this weekend has been incredible.
after finding out the
i had a feeling that nothing could go wrong.
and guess what kids?
i was right.

burlington coat factory shopping for the perfect rat pack outfit.
instead we found a disgusting cream three-piece suit and these little gems.
classy no? 
and yes, those are for little boys.
then scottland came to play.
we went to a birthday party and met up with samuel.
and let me just say that the three of us = maaaagic.
we left said party after discovering the "food" offered was chips and grapes.
we scurried over to the nearest little caesars and got a hot & ready pepporoni with
"CRAAAAAAAZY bread."  
{if only you could hear sam's voice when he says that}.
went back to le tigre, dined and returned to the party where we...
ate peanut m&m's, took photographs, and belted to beatles rockband.
return to le tigre.
sam looked up "activities" online while i talked to talking tom cat and scott rambled.
i decided to text meredith.
she was d.t.p.
{down to party}
bur first we had to go fill carlos up with gas. 
scott and sam decide to zoolander my car and wash the windows.
twas entertaining.
we got to meredith's complex and crashed a {very smelly} mocktail party.
after screaming bloody murder when meredith fell, we left.
we drove and blasted my FAVORITE SONG EVER
{if you guess my favorite part i'll give you a silver dollar}.
then headed over to the malt shoppe.
sidenote: eggnog shakes are where it's at!
oh! the jukebox was broken and we saw the following...
back to meredith's casa to have a post-party-breakdown with lauren.
dropped the boys off at home and went to wal-mart with the wolf-pack.
we picked up supplies and egg-nog. 
lauren and i saw a khloe kardashian look-alike.
not even kidding.
they could have been twins. 

i had a massive egg-nog hangover...
slept in. did laundry. cleaned room. painted nails. re-dyed teal.
headed up to salt lake with meredith and caity.
picked up lauren and headed to cpk after seeing this.
yes that is a man. and yes his shorts are shorter than those of his lady friend.
partook in delicious pizza and listened to meredith tell us that the plural for
"roof" is in fact "rooves" not "roofs"
after supper we went bananas at uo.
i spent waay too much money.
but it was totally worth it.
{amazing black purse/satchel/bag. perfect brown belt. incredible stunna shades}
on the way back we saw brett michaels on his chopper.
contacts off, glasses on, grabbed the wolf shirt and went to see the boyz.
we had a grand old time featuring:
five minutes of uninterrupted eye contact.
she-wolf references.
iron fights/lessons.
baby mama quotes.
the ULTIMATE talking tom cat session.
dress pant attack.
denim wolf shirt envy.
i left with ...
a hitler-eque finger moustache,
a blue dodgers jacket,
 and half of a home-made oreo cookie in my belly.

dear weekend,
thanks for being awesome.
love always,


Carrie Ann said...

oh. em. gee.

are you being the brat pack for halloween?
are you being molly ringwald? or judd nelson?
please please please be judd nelson.
or somebody should be judd neson.
Bender may be my favorite character of all time that came from the brain of john hughes.
i love him.

Brissa said...

dang. i meant rat pack. sorry. forgive me. but you've given me a BRILLIANT idea.