Monday, September 27, 2010

props to you brigga-do.

i'm in love.
with a man who is dead.
a man who forever changed my life with one card game.
ladies and gentlemen...
his name is john montagu
and he was the 4th earl of sandwich.
because of this brilliant inventor
i have been able to enjoy many a delicious meal.
for those of you who have been living under rock for your whole life
and don't know what glorious meal i'm talking about here's a wiki article.
it's called a sandwich and it's delicious.
turns out mr. montagu has a restaurant named after him.
road trip anyone?

this post was inspired by the love of my life {still the earl of sandwich}
and my magical lunch today.
turkey, avocado, tomato, cheese, honey mustard on wheat = heaven.

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