Monday, August 30, 2010

it's all good in da hood.

i love school.
i'm excited to buy my new supplies and get started.
this morning it was non-stop school.
eight to twelve.
espanol = intense
family recreation = fun
persuasive writing = scary/intense
creative writing = favorite
new testament = t.b.d.
it's going to be a busy semester.
i already have homework.
but three cheers for learning!!


Krista said...

Oooo who do you have for persuasive writing? I took that my last semester and it was hard, but so good! I think you'll like it.

Brissa said...

i was trying to get into weeks' class but it was already full so there was a slim chance i was going to be able to add.
i ended up signing up for tma 201 for another ge.
i'm kind of scared to take persuasive writing.